“There are things within our control.”-Epictetus

Functional health, with a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, constitutes the mission of wellness. At “Steps Of Wellness,” you will be educated about the importance of making healthier steps. In so doing, you’ll be able to avoid risk factors that are key determinants of disability, disease, and premature death. Each step correlates with the other, these include five core correlating steps that are listed below:
1). Physical Steps: The body was designed for movement. Movement helps the body to function within it’s designated capacity. Whether aerobic or anaerobic exercise, playing your favourite sports, among other exercise activities, the reality is the body adapts and responds to exercise.

Consultation (1-to-1 or group)
This consultation provides an opportunity for a session that is tailored to address specific health education need(s). These sessions last between 45 – 90 minutes.

Capacity Assessment
Assessing the resources of individual(s), a group, or a community to determine the inherent need, and what can be put in place to prevent, reverse, or manage chronic disease(s) among the population.

Needs Assessment
Systematic identification of the needs of the population to determine what interventions are appropriate to address the specific concerns of the community.
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates